Student Research Opportunities
To tackle today and tomorrow's critical mineral resource questions, C2M engages Penn State students throughout the research process. Working closely with faculty researchers, students participate in EXAMPLE.
Need more information about how students will be involved, how interested students can get involved with C2M, examples of student work.
Activities for the C2M
A set of activities is listed here that can significantly accelerate the resources and capabilities of the C2M. Multiple graduate students would be working together as much of the work is multi-disciplinary in nature, and work in these areas could also result in exposure of the students to areas that would supplement their studies and could lead them to acquire skill sets that would improve both their graduate research and their marketability on graduation.
- Develop a Penn State database for critical mineral resources in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the U.S. for research and commercial project development.
- Develop a standard experimental protocol to generate necessary information for the database, and to provide research service to industry
Generate preliminary technical and economic analysis for major research and technical-support proposals to private and government agencies
Additional Sampling and Analyses for Database may involve field work.
- Where warranted, participation in sampling exercises in Pennsylvania.
- Sample preparation (crushing, grinding), likely in MS 27
- Float sink work as directed by faculty
- Laboratory separation testing (size, magnetic, electrostatic, table, spiral, flotation) as directed by faculty
- Routine analysis by XRF
- XRD and microscopy as direct by faculty
- Participation in ICP-MS assaying as directed by faculty